Indian Institute of Geoinformatics (IIG)

The Indian Institute of Geoinformatics (IIG) was established in the millennium year for promoting education and training in the areas of geographical information system, remote sensing, geoinformatics and related subjects. Inaugurated by the Deputy Prime Minister of India Shri L K Advani during the GIS month observance on 14 September 2000.

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Geographical Information System

Certificate Level Courses

The Indian Institute of Geoinformatics (IIG) has launched the following Certificate level courses for the benefit of the Central and the State Governments in the speedy implementation of different programmes related to road construction, public works, forestry development, transportation management, pollution control, desert development, land use planning and management.


1. Certificate in Geographical Information System
2. Certificate in Spatial Database Design and Management
3. Certificate in Map Digitization
4. Certificate in Landuse Planning
5. Certificate in Modern Cartography
6. Certificate in Modeling Visualisation of Spatial Data
7. Certificate in Resource Management Using GIS
8. Certificate in Remote Sensing

Duration : Three Months

Eligibility : No Minimum Educational Qualification has been led down. All those interested in acquiring expert knowledge of geoinformatics and allied fields are eligible to apply.

Fee : Rs. 3500 or US$ 85 only to be paid on account of admission, registration and evaluation fee.

This amount is to be transferred to our Bank Account having the following details :

Name of the Account : Indian Institute of Geoinformatics
Bank Name : Union Bank of India, Neb Sarai Branch, New Delhi, India
Account Number : 579102010006960
IFS Code : UBIN0557919

Step by step method of learning at the Indian Institute of Geoinformatics:

1. Get the Admission Form downloaded and complete the same

2. Email the filled-up Admission Form

3. Pay the Admission Fee by Cheque / Draft / Electronic Transfer

4. Receive the Roll Number and Study Materials

5. Go through the e-book carefully

6. Complete the assignments and send the same to the Institute by Email / Post

7. Submit the Project Report based on your experience and knowledge acquired regarding any topic relevant to the admitted student.

8. Wait for the announcement of results.

9. Receive the Certificate (Online)

In case of any clarification, contact the Facilitation Officer, Indian Institute of Geoinformatics, A 14-15-16, Paryavaran Complex, New Delhi – 110030, India by post or by Email : [email protected]

For any clarification, contact may be made through telephone by calling on Toll Free Number - 18005714545

All those interested in getting admitted to one of the Certificate level courses are here by advised to fill-up the Admission Form given below and send the same on the above mentioned address by email or by post along with payment of Rs. 3500 by cheque / draft / RTGS etc.



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